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Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Welcome Recruitment Chatbots - Net2Source Canada

People don’t mind conversing with chatbots, if they’re getting the information they need.

Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Welcome Recruitment Chatbot

Chatbots are a type of Artificial Intelligence. They’re incorporated digitally via a chat interface mainly utilized for customer services. You’ll have trouble finding a company that hasn’t begun utilizing them. Some of our personal favourites include Ari, for its text to apply feature. Jobpal for its enthusiasm in candidate experience, and Robo Recruiter for its availability across platforms and devices.

So, we guess you could say, the robots are coming in recruitment industry. Well, sort of.

Chatbots are a major open door for you as a business. They’re not simply engaging you because of all the tedious work you get to delegate. No, really. Applicants and clients are also welcoming chatbots. The more digital we become, the less we rely upon face-to-face interaction.

The rise of social media has also meant online messengers have taken off. It’s no big surprise every major platform has now integrated a direct messaging feature. It’s the main form of communication nowadays.

People don’t mind conversing with chatbots, if they’re getting the information they need.

So, what are chatbots particularly great at – especially within recruitment?

01.Candidate experience

It’s not the first occasion when we’ve discussed candidate experience, and it won’t be the last. Recruiters and hiring managers can integrate chatbots to make their lives less difficult. But also, quicker, and this can advantage the applicants as well. They would prefer not to stick around to hear back from one of the many roles they applied for weeks and weeks ago.

Each great experience begins with cutting down the time between the candidate submitting their application to different job portals hearing back from the recruiter asap.

It’s no surprise you’ll want to get a chatbot included with this piece of the procedure. With a vacancy that has attracted a high volume of candidates, it tends to be a major task for a human to deal with. Efficiently that is.

Your chatbot can intervene with quicker responses and speed the process up.

02. Building rapport

Communication is vital during the recruitment lifecycle. That’s for both the candidate and recruiter. The messaging aspect available with chatbots makes it a simple and intuitive approach.

The chatbots are controlled through guidelines/rules. They’re smart. A chatbot will ask choice questions and ensure the conversation is comfortable. Always recording details ready for the recruiter to meet the candidate.

Mya is a good example of an effective chatbot. Designed only for recruitment, it talks and engages with candidates through a messaging app. It records all the data and answers questions asked by the candidate. This way, it expands productivity as you can qualify many candidates.

03. Q&A

Chatbots can be set-up to answer FAQ by identifying keywords stated by the candidate. These questions will be about the open job position and your company. It’s important to make the answers clear and informative.

This gives candidates an opportunity to gain knowledge and a better understanding in a timely manner. Again, this improves for a better experience.

It’s all about timing. It’s impossible you have time to sit there and respond every time a candidate has asked a question–not generally in the same place too thanks to social media platforms. It’s also normally a question you’ve probably answered thousands of times – that’s why they’re called frequently asked. Having a chatbot gives immediate replies in one place.

04. Qualifying Candidates

It’s not just the candidates making the inquiries. Chatbots can make inquiries on anything from skills, and qualifications, to past experiences. It will at that point rank and qualify a whole group of candidates in terms with your criteria. Saving you the job of filtering out the great from the awful.

With all the bountiful admin tasks that come with hiring a candidate. Chatbots can take a lot of the load. It sets up and schedules (again- with both parties in mind) the unavoidable calls and meetings. Obviously, these stages of the process require the human but your chatbot will ensure all requirements are addressed before you take over.

05. Not Being Human

Remember, many industries are predominantly human-based. Especially the recruitment industry. Chatbots depend on the input from its developer and what it’s customized to do–they don’t advance without anyone else.

Chatbots can only get you so far. There comes a time when any kind of communication needs human interaction. This is because humans have emotional intelligence and can offer more to the candidate.

For you to prevail with candidates during the recruitment stages you need to find the right mix of human and chatbot involvement.

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